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Build your
hiring strategy
Our software is one of the most advanced solutions on the market for skills assessment and reporting.
We are trusted by multinational clients whose combined annual revenues total over 20 Billion Euros.
Unlock Hidden Potential.
Reduce Time to Hire
Hard/Soft skills interactive assessments
Test your existing workforce
Learning Agility
Management with Excel
Problem solving


30 minutes
10 questions

Data Analyst Assessment

15 minutes
6 questions

Finance Basics

Ancora 1
technical skills assessments
At Selectic, we value talented people as a company's most crucial asset.
We deliver to you within a few days from your requests, tailored technical skills assessments, developed by our network of experts.
Our assessments offer a 360° view of each candidate, helping you reduce your time-to-hire or conduct internal performance reviews.

Interact with candidates
Ancora 2

Forget multiple choices,
check our 140+
interactive simulations
We believe that candidates should be immersed into a real on-the-job scenario to test practical and logical skills.
With Selectic, you will no longer rely on boring and outdated multiple choice questionnaires, but you will be able to test how people react to unexpected situations, how developers write and execute code, and even Excel or Powerpoint skills.

practical tests
tailored challenges
simulations with SQL
many more...
Get access to our
skill library of
pre-made tests
Starting is simple. You can select a template from our library and customize it to your preferences.
Would you prefer to create the test yourself, autonomously?
Once you activate Selectic, you will be able to access to a test builder, allowing you to create in a few clicks a test to send out to as many candidates as you want.

Different levels of difficulty
Unlimited access to the library

Call us
to create your
tailored assessment
Testing the right skills for your organization is crucial, and it calls for a specific consultation, or sometimes even for a customized assessment platform, only for you!
Our 3-step process allows you to customize entirely our platform, and get the solution that no one else could offer, until now.
30min Call
Research and solution
Customized test
Why industry experts choose us?
Ancora 3
Innovate with confidence
unlock the perfect Hiring Strategy for your business.
Get expert recommendations to find the best option for your unique purposes.
Ready to try our test?
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